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| 1. The location of the Mod file When the game starts, mod files are read from two locations, One is the ...\steamapps\common\Chrono Ark\ChronoArk_Data\StreamingAssets\Mod folder The second is the ...\steamapps\workshop\content\1188930 folder The game will go through all subfolders within these two folders and look for the file ChronoArkMod.json in the subfolders If this file is found, all the content in this subfolder will be recognized as a Mod, and this subfolder will be referred to as the Mod folder hereinafter
2. Fill in ChronoArkMod.json ChronoArkMod.json is the basic information of the Mod, which needs to be filled in as a dictionary. Fillable information includes the following content, if the dictionary does not contain the following content, it will be regarded as the default value ***** 1) ~ 6) are the basic information of the mod, which will be displayed directly in the mod selection UI****** 1) id String, this is the unique identifier of the mod and cannot be repeated with other mods. In the game code, you can use the ModManager.getModInfo(string id) method to access all the information of this Mod 2) Title String, this is the title of the mod (supports translation files) 3) Author String, this is the author name of the mod 4) Description String, this is the description of the Mod (supports translation files) 5) Version String, this is the version of the mod 6) Cover String, this is the cover image of the Mod, which is the path of an image relative to the Mod folder ***** 7) is the configuration of the mod's adjustable parameters, which the mod setting UI will be generated automatically in the mod selection UI ***** 7) ModSettingEntries List, and each item in the list is a dictionary, which contains information about the adjustable parameters of the item a. Each dictionary always contains the following three items I. SettingType String, this is the type of setting UI, including ToggleSetting, SliderSetting, DropdownSetting, InputFieldSetting, InputFieldSetting_Int II. SettingKey String, this is the unique identifier of this setting in this Mod, you can use modinfo.GetSetting<T>(string key) to access this setting after accessing ModInfo, T is the setting type III. DisplayName String, the name will be displayed in the settings UI (supports translation files) IV.Description String, in the settings UI, when the mouse moves over a setting name, this setting description text will be displayed (supports translation files) b. The dictionary of ToggleSetting also contains I. InitValue Boolean value, the default value for the first use of the mod c. The dictionary of SliderSetting also contains I. InitValue Floating point number, the default value for the first use of the mod II. Max Floating point number, the maximum value of Slider III. Min Floating point number, the minimum value of Slider IV. StepSize Floating point number, which is the step size of Slider sliding, if it is 0, it means continuous sliding d. Dropdown Setting I. InitValue Integer, the default value for the first use of the mod II.Options List, each item is a string. They will be displayed in the drop-down menu of the setting UI e.InputFieldSetting I. InitValue String, the default value for the first use of the mod e.InputFieldSetting_Int I. InitValue Integer, the default value for the first use of the mod ***** 8) ~ 12) are common configuration options for mods***** 8) DefaultAssetBundlePath The string is the relative path of an AssetBundle relative to the Mod Assets folder. In Mod gdata, you can directly fill in the path in this AssetBundle. 9) Dependencies List, each item is the id string of other Mods, indicating that these Mods must be loaded before this Mod (that is, above this Mod in the Mod selection UI) 10) NeedRestartWhenSettingChanged Boolean value, indicating that after the settings of this mod are changed, clicking the apply button in the mod selection UI will require restarting the game 11) NeedReloadAllWhenEnabled Boolean value, indicating that when the Apply button is clicked in the Mod selection UI, if the Mod is enabled, all other enabled Mods will be reloaded 12) NeedRestartWhenEnabled Boolean value, indicating that when the Apply button is clicked in the Mod selection UI, if the Mod is enabled, the game will be required to be restarted ***** 13) ~ 17) are Steam Workshop upload tools ***** 13) Uploader String, fill in the uploader's SteamID or Steam community nickname here. When the game player agrees with it, an upload button will appear in the Mod selection UI 14) TagList List, each item is the Tag string in Steam Workshop 15) Visibility String, which is the visibility of the Steam Workshop, there are three options: Public, Private, FriendsOnly 16) ChangeNote String, which is the update description for this upload 17) WorkShopId The string is the ID of this mod in Steam Workshop. It does not need to be filled in manually for the first upload, it will be automatically added to the file
3. Mod assembly Mod assemblies are placed in the Assemblies subfolder in the Mod folder, and all assemblies in the subfolder will be loaded when the Mod is loaded Please ensure that all assemblies referenced by the assembly (and the assemblies referenced by the referenced assembly) are in the Assemblies folder, especially when HarmonyPatch needs to be written 1) When loading, game will notice three special classes defined in the assembly I. Classes inheriting ChronoArkPlugin This class needs to have the Attribute of PluginConfig, and when loading, it will call the Initialize method of this class In addition, this class has: - Dispose method (executed when mod is disabled) - OnModSettingUpdate method (executed when mod settings are changed and applied in the mod selection UI) - OnModLoaded method (executed when the Mod is loaded) II. Classes inheriting ChronoArkPluginMonoBehaviour This class needs to have the Attribute of PluginConfig. When loading, it will be added as a component to the GameObject exclusive to this Mod. III. Classes inheriting ModDefinition see gdata section 2) In the assembly, you can use the `public static ModInfo getModInfo(string id)` in the ModManager class to get all the information of the Mod, The following information can be obtained in the ModInfo class: I. Use `public T GetSetting<T>(string key)` to get Mod setting information Where T is the SettingEntry class corresponding to different UIs, you can use the Value property of the return value of this method to obtain or change the value of the setting It should be noted that if you use the assembly to change the value of the setting, you need to call `public void SaveSetting()` method to save it II. Use `public ModAssemblyInfo assemblyInfo` to get the assembly information of the Mod, including - All assemblies inside the Assemblies folder - All classes that inherit ChronoArkPlugin - The GameObject of the class that inherits ChronoArkPluginMonoBehaviour in this Mod - All ModDefinitions III. Use `public ModAssetInfo assetInfo` to get the Asset information of the Mod See Mod Asset section IV. Use `public ModAudioInfo audioinfo` to get the sound effect information of the Mod See sound effects section V. Use `public ModGDEInfo gdeinfo` to get all the gdata information of Mod VI. Use `public ModLocalizationInfo localizationInfo` to get all translation file information of this Mod See the Translation Files section
4. gdata The original gdata of the game can be found in ...\steamapps\common\Chrono Ark\ChronoArk_Data\StreamingAssets\gdata.json There are two ways to add/modify the gdata of the game, and they can be used at the same time 1) Json way In the gdata subfolder of the Mod folder, gdata can be filled in Json The format of gdata is the same as the original gdata.json, which is a dictionary whose value is a dictionary. The elements of the outermost dictionary are called entries, and the keys of the inner dictionary are called fields below 5 kinds of changes to the game's original gdata are supported. Put the json file into the following subfolders in the gdata folder to adopt the corresponding modification method I. Add Add the gdata in this folder to the original gdata of the game The structure of the json file here is the same as that of the original gdata, but it can be simplified as follows - Fields starting with _gdeType can be omitted - The fields at the beginning of _gdeIsList can be omitted - If the value of this field is the same as the default value, it can be omitted. You can refer to the entry starting with _gdeSchema_ in the original gdata to get the default value II. Replace Replace the value of the corresponding field under the corresponding entry in the original gdata - _gdeSchema field is required - The remaining fields that do not need to be replaced do not need to be filled in III. Remove Delete the corresponding entry in the original gdata - The file still needs to maintain the format of the dictionary, but only the Key of the outermost dictionary will be read IV. AddItemToList It only takes effect when the field of the entry is a list You can fill in the content in this folder to add elements under the original list instead of directly deleting the original list and replacing it with your own - _gdeSchema field is required V. RemoveItemFromList It only takes effect when the field of the entry is a list You can fill in the content in this folder to delete elements under the original list instead of directly deleting the original list and replacing it with your own - _gdeSchema field is required There are two field types that need to be emphasized I. the fields representing the name of a class within an assembly When filling in, you need to fill in the namespace. When the game reads, it will go through all the assemblies in the Assembies folder II. the fields representing the paths of assets See Mod Asset section 2) Assembly way Define a class inherited from ModDefinition in any assembly, and you can write codes to change the game gdata At this point, each class inherited from CustomGDE defined in the assembly is equivalent to a Json entry In actual use, templates such as CustomSkillGDE<Mod> should be inherited, where Mod is the class just defined and inherited from ModDefinition All CustomGDE classes such as CustomSkillGDE<Mod> have the following methods that can be overloaded I. public virtual string Key() Overloading this method can change the Key of this entry. If the Key is the same as the Key of an entry in Json, it will directly modifies the corresponding dictionary in Json. II. public abstract ModGDEInfo.LoadingType GetLoadingType(); That is, the five modification methods of the above Json method III. public abstract void SetValue(); It is the core, where you can directly assign values to the corresponding fields to fill in Mod gdata If the value is not assigned, the value filled in by the Json method, or the default value will be used The ModDefinition class also provides the following methods that can be overloaded I. public virtual IEnumerable<CustomGDE> SetLoadingTargets() Changing the output of this method will change the entry that is finally loaded into the game If some entries need to be written in the assembly, but you do not want them to be loaded , you can change this method II. public virtual string ModKey<GDE>() where GDE is the CustomGDE class such as CustomSkillGDE<Mod> Changing this method can modify the Keys of all loaded entries in batches Its priority is lower than directly overloading the `public virtual string Key()` method in CustomGDE In addition, the CustomGDE class also provides some methods to quickly access Mod information, as well as some string generators commonly used when filling in gdata I. `public ModDefinition myMod` can directly get the instance of the ModDefinition it is in II. `public ModInfo modInfo` can directly access all the information of the mod III. `public ModAssetInfo assetInfo` can directly access the Mod Asset information of the Mod where it is located IV. There are three methods to quickly generate Asset addresses, see the Mod Asset chapter for specific meanings - public string RegisterObjectFromAssetBundle<T>(string AssetBundlePath, string FilePath) where T : Object - public string RegisterSpriteFromAssetBundle(string AssetBundlePath, string FilePath) - public string RegisterSpriteFromImageFile(string FilePath)
5. Mod Assets The game uses Addressable as the asset management system, so the core of this part is the method to generate the addresses 1) Automatically generated addresses When the game reads gdata content, it regards the string ending in .png written in gdata as a picture and translates it into an image address, and translates the string ending in .prefab into a GameObject address For a string ending in .png, it will first check whether the string is the path of an image relative to the Mod Assets folder, otherwise it will be regarded as the path in the DefaultAssetBundle 2) Use the code to get the address In the ModInfo of a Mod, use `public ModAssetInfo assetInfo` to get the Asset information of the Mod Call the following methods of ModAssetInfo to register and get the address string for pictures I. public string ImageFromFile(string path) path is the path relative to the Mod Assets folder II. public string ImageFromAsset(string AssetBundlePath, string FilePath) Read pictures from AssetBundle, both Texture2D and Sprite, AssetBundlePath is the path relative to the Mod folder III. public string ConstructImageByCode(Sprite sprite) Use the code to build Sprite and register to get the address IV. public string ChangeToSkillImage(string OldID) After using other methods to obtain the picture address, if you need to change the picture to the 440*280 format of the skill picture, you can call this method to generate a new address For other assets I. public string ObjectFromAsset<T>(string AssetBundlePath, string FilePath) where T : Object Read from AssetBundle, AssetBundlePath is the path relative to the Mod folder II. public string ConstructObjectByCode<T>(T gameObject) where T : Object Use code to build Object. It should be noted that you should remember to call the Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(...) method to prevent the built Object from being destroyed when the scene is loaded. III. The construction method of two commonly used GameObjects. These can be used when making character mods but do not want to use the Unity editor to generate AssetBundles - public string FaceGameObject(string ImageKey, Vector2 offsetMax, Vector2 offsetMin, Vector2 pivot) - public string BattleCharGameObject(string ImageKey, Vector2 offsetMax, Vector2 offsetMin, Vector2 pivot)
6. Translation documents Two kinds of translation files are provided. They need to be placed in the Localization subfolder in the Mod folder The internal format of the file is the same as the file with the same name in ...\steamapps\common\Chrono Ark\ChronoArk_Data\StreamingAssets 1) LangDataDB.csv It is used with Mod gdata, when reading gdata, it will replace the content in your gdata that needs to be translated with the content of this file 2) LangSystemDB.csv You can use codes to get the translated strings. First, in the ModInfo of a Mod, use `public ModLocalizationInfo localizationInfo` to get all translation file information of the Mod In ModLocalizationInfo, you can call `public string SyetemLocalizationUpdate(string key)` to get the translation information in LangSystemDB.csv If not obtained,it will return the input string key In addition, for the content marked in ChronoArkMod.json that supports translation files, the content filled in json will be automatically used as an input parameter, and SyetemLocalizationUpdate will be called once
7. Sound effects The in-game sound effects are managed using DarkTonic.MasterAudio, so the core of this section is to register the required sound effects in it It should be noted that the string corresponding to each sound effect is unique, so try your best to ensure that it does not conflict with other mods To register each Mod sound effect, you need to fill in a json file in the Audio subfolder in the Mod folder Each json file is a dictionary containing the following 1) Name String, which is the unique string corresponding to each sound effect mentioned in the above text 2) AssetBundlePath String, the AssetBundle where the sound effect is located, you need to fill in its relative path in the Mod Assets folder If not filled or empty, it will be considered that the sound effect does not use AssetBundle 3) path String, the path of the sound effect in the AssetBundle, or the relative path in the Mod Assets folder 4) Loop Boolean value, whether to loop the sound effect 5) MixerType String, which means this sound effect is played based on which audio mixer (to control its volume, etc.). There are four options SFX, BGM, FieldBGM, BattleBGM 6) Bus String, whitch is the sound effect group name of DarkTonic.MasterAudio. The default is SE. If you need to make Boss battle BGM, use BGM. If you need to make regular battle BGM, use BattleBGM